ARDES > Research and Development

Research and Development
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The main aim of ARDES is to participate, permanently, to the improvement of the daily work of veterinarians and breeders. The Research and Development department listens carefully to users in order to conceive new products and to improve the current range.

This process of effective work is mastered by ARDES and was approved and awarded with the first prize of Innovation Trophy, given by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Rhône-Alpes’s region.

Innovation process mastered

Breeders and veterinarians’ participation

R&D department’s team frequently meets end users to make tests on the field. Breeders and veterinarians give their evaluation and their opinion during all the product developments’ phases. A R&D’s choice that allows to have functional ARDES products which are effective and which can suit a maximum users’ needs.

For example, during the development of our last visual ear tags’ generation, 60 breeders from different regions of France were selected to test our ear tags on their animal during two years.

Functional prototyping

In conception phase, many functional prototypes were tested, until the final product answers to all requirements. These prototypes are printed in three dimensions thanks to the innovative impression technology by stereo lithography.


Tested and validated by laboratories

ARDES impose itself to have a performance level higher than the competition. Tests on products are systematically made by our partners. Their measuring and tests equipments allow to valid prototypes and to realize comparisons with competition’s products from the market.

Series of tests were made with our partner Centre Techniques des Industries Mécaniques (CETIM): traction resistance test, material ageing test, marking resistance test and the hardness material test.

The French test laboratory RFTLAB, RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) French specialist collaborated with ARDES in the development of an electronic ear tags’ range, guaranteeing high performances. In fact, the ARDES electronic ear tags’ reading distance by readers from the market, is at the minimum 7% higher than those from the competition.

Expertise of Research and Development department.

ARDES engineers are maintaining a technology watched on a daily basis: professional trade shows, travels abroad and business relationships with expert partners. Thus, we are quickly informed about innovations. Then, extensive studies are realized in order to determine if these innovations or new developments can be or not applied for actual or future products.

A network of professionals for plastics manufacturing

ARDES collaborates regularly with mold makers, research organizations, designers, which are all located at a few kilometers from the production site. From this proximity follows a confident relationship allowing to develop more efficient specific solutions. Also, these partners advice ARDES and share their expertise during all Research and Development phases.

Utilization of the Last generation of polymer

ARDES is accompanied by an expert polymer partner, the Matériautech ® based in Lyon, giving us the access to a panel of more than 450 plastic materials, textures, chemical and mechanical resistances (used in different sectors such as automobile, aeronautic sectors). Then engineers provide us advices in the materials’ choice to select the most appropriated according to our specifications.

Tailor-made products’ development

The R&D department has skills to study problematic concerning all fluids to inject and all kinds of objects to trace. In fact, ARDES plastic manufacturing skills, allow to suits today to all specific demands from key-account customers, retailers from all sectors. These demands are the subject of specifications, works in collaboration with engineers, that will study possible solutions with a extend experts network.

Contact us for probable demands for specific project surveys.

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