ARDES > Range > Identification & Accessories

ARDES placement material


For a full and an effective identification solution, ARDES proposes ear tags and applicators. ARDES applicators are designed for a high-yield and durable use: unbreakable; reliability and efficiency.

Users comfort is also considered through an easy grip and does not require any efforts to clamp the ear tag.

ARDES commercialises not only a metal applicator for ear tags and electronic ear tags, but also a specific applicator for Ovitags.

Pince ovitag

ARDES’ marking pens

ARDES has developed marking pens to allow different ways to mark the ear tags.

Two kinds of marking pens are available in this range of products: a bevel-edge point marking pen and a round point one. The used black ink guarantees a strong contrast and is indelible.

Marking solutions

pointes feutres ARDES

pince métal


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