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RFID identification
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The ‘’Radio Frequency Identification’’ (RFID) or ‘’Electronic Identification’’ (EID), is a system that allows the transmitting of information at distance, thanks to an electromagnetic field of radio waves. This system uses a Low Frequency technology, specially adapted for animal identification, unlike the High Frequency. In fact, the operation of Low Frequency is minimally altered by the presence of humidity and conductor elements at proximity.


ARDES ear tags ICAR approved


In 1996, the RFID for the animal identification is standardized by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) with ISO 11784 and ISO 11785 standards.

All ARDES electronic ear tags meet the ISO 11784-11785 technical conditions, and are approved today by the ICAR service “International Committee for animal Recording”, to propose an efficacy and functional electronic identification system.

boucle elec + icar et iso


The average reading distance between

the electronic ear tag and the reader

Reader type on the market ARDES electronic ear tags
Fixed readers 84 cm + 5% compared to thecompetition
Portable readers 33cm + 9% compared to thecompetition
ARDES electronic ear tags reading distance test realized by RFTLAB®


boucle elec photographe




An identification solution for the breeder


The electronic animal identification is a solution constituted by several elements, in order to assure an information exchange from the animal to the user.

STAPE 1: Reading of the identification number

The information exchange protocols between the electronic ear tags and the reader are regulated by the ISO 11785 standard. The electronic ear tag give the animal identification number when the reader is close to the electronic ear tag. The reading distance depends on the type of the reader: fix or portable, but also depends on the electronic ear tags quality. A fix reader will assure a reading distance more important

It is not possible with this technology to detect an animal on a long distance (in the middle of a field for example), because of the poor magnetic field issued by the readers. In these conditions, it is necessary to individualize the reading, thanks to adapted contention systems (individual corridor for instance).

STAPE 2: Transmission of the identification number

When it is registered on the reader, the number is transmitted (by a wire or in distance by Bluetooth) to a computer or a robot.

STAPE 3: Valorization of the identification number

The user, thanks to technic solutions, exploits the number in order to increase the productivity and the profitability of the animal. ARDES helps in the setting up of the solutions; here is a list, non-exhaustive, possible applications in practice, for the electronic identification solution.

How electronic ear tags work?

The electronic ear tag is qualified of “passive” because it does not contain neither battery, nor energy sources, guarantying an unlimited lifespan. The energy comes from the reader that activates the electronic ear tag. Then, the electronic ear tag is the information source and the basis of all the RFID system.

Two elements compose the electronic ear tag:

A transponder

A transponder is composed of an electronic chip and a microcircuit in silicon. This microcircuit contains the identification number of the animal pre-encoded by ARDES and a circular antenna, made of a wound copper wire.

A plastic envelope

The ARDES plastic envelope protects the transponders from shocks and humidity, thanks to a polyurethane cap resistant to breeding conditions of cattle, sheep, goat, and swine.

Two available technologies: HDX and FDX

ARDES electronic ear tags are available in “Half-Duplex” (HDX) and “Full-Duplex” (FDX). These technologies respect ISO 11784 and ISO 11785 standards. The transponder conception and the reading distance performances of HDX and FDX electronic ear tags are different.

boucle + inlay small

HDX ear tag

HDX technology is based on an asynchrony exchange. The transmission signal of HDX ear tags are more powerful, allowing to have a higher distance of reading.

boucle elec + inlay large

Electronic ear tag

FDX technology is based on a synchrony exchange. The FDX electronic ear tags offer standard performances against HDX, but their initial cost is lower.

ARDES guides concerning the placing of these solutions ; here is a non exhaustive list of the possible applications in the field of the electronic identification solution.

Herd management software

  • Simple and fast monitoring of performances
  • Performances analyze from animals and herd
  • To increase the profitability and productivity in the medium term

Automatic feed distribution

  • Ration’s adaption for each animal
  • Verification of the consumption or not of a feed
  • Individual sanitarian monitoring

Milking parlor assistance

  • Detection and monitor easily animals in the milking parlor
  • Monitoring of profitability for the animal and the herd
  • Abnormal decreases warning of the animal’s profitability

Automatic weighting system

  • Deleted manuscript and informatics writings
  • High precision in the weighing, limiting mistake risk
  • Saving time, weighing of the animal quickly without the necessity to block it

Animals sorting automation

  • The automatic launching of the doors opening and closing.
  • Herd sorting according to chosen data (weight, breed, age, sex…)
  • Work comfort, cages doors


Automatic animals count

  • Saving time precise and quick information gathering
  • Mistake risk limited
  • Automatic information transfer
advantages Use
ARDES HDX Electronic Ear Tags High performanceBetter reading distance fix and portable reading(ISO standards)Breeding
ARDES FDX-B Electronic Ear Tags Standard performanceLower initial cost fix and portable reading(ISO standards)Breeding

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